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Gallery & Archive : this is the official archive for Wilfred Wilson painting, drawings and sketches.
INFORMATION : Wilfred Wilson, a long time resident of Caerleon for many years, produced paintings and prints , his work dating back to the 1940's. With over 300+ works painted this archive begins to permanently show & present his prolific output over the years.

HISTORY : Wilfred started out on his artistic journey in the 1940’s by doing drawings, portraits and landscapes before moving on to experiment with colour and pastels.
His work was topically quite eclectic and varied, characterised by well crafted drafting techniques. Wilfred started his painting career in World War Two whilst serving in the Wiltshire Yeomanry as a tank driver in Africa at El Alamein, Sicily and Italy. He returned to Wales in the 1950’s as a director of Henry Cordy & Son. He and his wife Coralie were married for over 62 years and lived in Caerleon ever since. Wilfred had a sympathetic approach to portraying scenes and colour, conveying local views of the world as he saw it. He has captured views of his life and what he has made of this world as he has journeyed through it.
His paintings of Castles and Churches are some of the most enchanting of his range of work in Wales.
Sadly he passed away on January 30th 2017 at the age of 98 . He will be much missed and never forgotten.

for any information please contact
Robin Wilson : 07768 900 333
or email to [email protected]
Title WW River Usk in Caerleon#04 Wilfred Wilson ArtistExhibition 2010wilfred wilson _Exhibition 2010#04 Wilfred Wilson Artistchurch streetCWA Wilson Exhibition 2010Exhibition 2010Exhibition 2010Archive early self portraitSelf Portrait CWA archive-052Self Portrait 2013Archive#12 Lodge Road : CAERLEON : A View of Home Farm#121 Caerleon : River Usk Early Morning 1947Old Caerleon Bridgewilf wilson 2012  -6944#65 Gipsy Caravans : The Moors : 1951wilf wilson 2012  -6950Lych Gate St Cadoc's church Caerleon

Categories & Keywords
Subcategory Detail:
Keywords:Wilfred, Wilson, artist, paintings, watercolours, welsh